This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Avni source connector.
- Username of Avni account
- Password of Avni account
Setup guide
Step 1: Set up an Avni account
- Signup on Avni to create an account.
- Create Forms for Subjects Registrations, Programs Enrolment, Program Encounter using Avni Web Console -> Getting Started
- Register Subjects, Enrol them in Program using Avni Android Application Here
Step 2: Set up the Avni connector in Airbyte
For Airbyte Open Source:
- Go to local Airbyte page.
- In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + New Source.
- On the source setup page, select Avni from the Source type dropdown and enter a name for this connector.
- Enter the username and password of your Avni account
- Enter the lastModifiedDateTime, ALl the data which have been updated since this time will be returned. The Value should be specified in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz", e.g. "2000-10-31T01:30:00.000Z". If all the data needed to be fetch keep this parameter to any old date or use e.g. date.
- Click Set up source.
Supported sync modes
The Avni source connector supports the following sync modes:
- Full Refresh - Overwrite
- Full Refresh - Append
- Incremental Sync - Append
- (Recommended) Incremental Sync - Deduped History
Supported Streams
Avni Source connector Support Following Streams:
- Subjects Stream : This stream provides details of registered subjects. You can retrieve information about subjects who have been registered in the system.
- Program Enrolment Stream : This stream provides program enrolment data. You can obtain information about subjects who have enrolled in programs.
- Program Encounter Stream, This stream provides data about encounters that occur within programs. You can retrieve information about all the encounters that have taken place within programs.
- Subject Encounter Stream, This stream provides data about encounters involving subjects, excluding program encounters. You can obtain information about all the encounters that subjects have had outside of program-encounter.
avirajsingh7 marked this conversation as resolved.
Config fields reference
Property name